What to Do About Sensitive Teeth After Teeth Whitening (2024)

What Causes Post-Whitening Tooth Sensitivity?

At-home and in-office teeth whitening products usually contain hydrogen peroxide. As a bleaching agent, hydrogen peroxide breaks down stain-causing chemicals in or on your teeth.

Hydrogen peroxide can make your teeth more sensitive by penetrating the enamel and dentin, potentially reaching the pulp.1 Tooth pulp contains sensitive nerve endings.

Many people find their teeth are more sensitive after teeth whitening treatment. This sensitivity is often temporary, only lasting a few days. In some cases, it can persist for longer.

Some whitening toothpastes remove tooth stains through abrasion. However, strongly abrasive products can wear away enamel, resulting in more sensitivity.

Get your brightest smile with NewMouth's top teeth whitening picks for 2024.

When Should You Worry About Post-Whitening Sensitivity?

Even if your teeth remain sensitive for more than a few days after teeth whitening, you may not have anything to worry about. Post-whitening sensitivity has been reported to last as long as 39 days.12

Sensitive teeth are common and don’t usually warrant serious concern. But they can affect the quality of life in some cases.5

Contact your dentist if you:

  • Experience post-whitening sensitivity that persists for weeks
  • Feel like your teeth are so sensitive that they affect your normal daily activities
  • Are concerned you may have misused a whitening product

6 Ways Prevent Tooth Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening

You can mitigate or prevent post-whitening sensitivity by being mindful of the whitening process. This means being careful of what you do before and after every treatment session.

Here are six ways to make whitening easier on your teeth:

1. Be Careful With Peroxide (Bleaching) Products

Many whitening treatments use hydrogen peroxide to bleach your teeth. This includes over-the-counter products that use carbamide peroxide, which releases free hydrogen peroxide when it dissolves in water.3

If you’re prone to sensitivity, you may want to look for a whitening solution with lower carbamide peroxide levels.

Be careful not to use peroxide-containing whitening treatments too often. Frequent use can increase sensitivity.4

When applying at-home treatments, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Don’t leave whitening products on your teeth longer than necessary.

2. Use Peroxide-Free Products

Peroxide-free whitening products are designed to reduce and prevent tooth sensitivity.

Hismile, an Australian oral care brand, offers a whitening kit with PAP, an alternative to hydrogen peroxide. It also contains hydroxyapatite (HAp) and other ingredients to desensitize and remineralize teeth.

Hydroxyapatite is a naturally occurring mineral that makes up most of your tooth enamel.5 Whitening products that contain hydroxyapatite can reduce sensitivity during and after whitening.6, 7

3. Use Teeth Whitening Products Appropriately

Use the product properly to minimize any sensitivity after a teeth whitening procedure. Bleaching gels, whitening strips, and other products can do more harm than good when used improperly.

As such, always use the products according to their instructions. You should also talk to your dentist first before starting any whitening process.

4. Try Products for Sensitive Teeth

Many oral care products are specifically designed to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Toothpastes, mouthwashes, and gels for sensitive teeth often contain ingredients like HAp, strontium, or arginine. These help seal exposed dentin and support enamel remineralization.5, 8

These products may also contain potassium salts (citrate, nitrate, chloride, oxalate), which calm the nerves in teeth.9

Toothpastes meant for sensitive teeth tend to lack highly abrasive ingredients that may be present in other products.10 Lastly, soft-bristled toothbrushes reduce tooth sensitivity because they are gentle on enamel.10

Laughland teeth whitening offers personalized at-home custom teeth whitening. They have different formulas based on your lifestyle and sensitivity levels.

5. Avoid Irritating Foods

Avoid foods and drinks that irritate your teeth for the first few days after a whitening session.

For example, cut back on or eliminate:10, 11

  • Anything too hot or cold
  • Acidic foods and drinks, such as tea, coffee, wine, soda, and citrus fruits
  • Sugary foods and drinks that can feed acid-producing bacteria
  • Foods that stain your teeth, like red sauce, blueberries, and blackberries
  • Tobacco products

Limit your intake of highly acidic foods and drinks leading up to the whitening treatment. These can make your teeth more sensitive.

You can begin to reintroduce hot, cold, and more acidic foods as the sensitivity goes away.

6. Talk to Your Dentist

If you’re concerned about the possible adverse effects of tooth whitening, talk to your dentist. They can answer any questions and educate you on professional in-office whitening options.

One benefit of professional teeth whitening treatments is that a dental professional can supervise the process. This can prevent you from misusing the treatment or applying it for too long.3

If you choose an at-home whitening treatment, still discuss it with your dentist. They know your dental history and can help you make the right choice.

See NewMouth’s top 10 teeth whitening products of 2024.

Why are Some People More Prone to Tooth Sensitivity?

Your teeth have a hard outer layer (enamel) that protects the more sensitive dentin and pulp. Over time, enamel wears down and can’t be restored.

A receding gum line can expose the roots of your teeth, which are also sensitive.2

The following can contribute to enamel deterioration:

  • Consuming acidic foods and drinks
  • Brushing your teeth too aggressively
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • Medical issues that cause vomiting, like bulimia

In the long-term, enamel wear is inevitable. For some people, even a lifetime of normal oral hygiene may be enough to make their teeth more sensitive over time.2


Increased tooth sensitivity after at-home or in-office whitening treatment is common and generally temporary.

Many people experience sensitivity after using whitening treatments that contain hydrogen peroxide. Fortunately, there are alternatives, such as the PAP in Hismile’s teeth whitening kit.

Various ingredients in whitening and other oral care products can support teethdesensitization and remineralization. Take it easy while they’re sensitive by avoiding especially hot, cold, or acidic foods.

Post-whitening tooth sensitivity often subsides after a few days. But if you have concerns about a whitening treatment or tooth sensitivity affecting your daily life, contact your dentist.

In this article

What’s Next?

View NewMouth's Top 6 Teeth Whitening Products of 2024

What to Do About Sensitive Teeth After Teeth Whitening (2024)


How do you stop sensitive teeth from hurting after whitening? ›

How to get rid of teeth sensitivity after whitening?
  1. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush. It is best to be gentle when brushing after your teeth whitening treatment. ...
  2. Avoid exposure to hot and cold drinks or food. ...
  3. Apply a sensitive teeth toothpaste. ...
  4. Mouthwash.
Apr 12, 2024

How do you restore enamel after whitening teeth? ›

Your dentist may recommend a post-whitening fluoride treatment, especially if you have sensitive teeth. Fluoride works to restore minerals onto the tooth's surfaces after dental procedures like tooth whitening. This treatment helps with preventing future re-staining and long-term tooth sensitivity.

How do you stop sensitive teeth pain fast? ›

Here are ten easy home remedies for sensitive teeth that will soothe your pain and give you relief:
  1. Desensitizing Toothpaste. ...
  2. Hydrogen Peroxide Mouthwash. ...
  3. Green Tea. ...
  4. Honey and Warm Water. ...
  5. Capsaicin. ...
  6. Turmeric. ...
  7. Saltwater Rinse. ...
  8. Vanilla Extract.
Sep 12, 2021

Why do I have extreme sensitivity after tooth whitening? ›

The bleaching agents in teeth whitening solutions open up the pores of the teeth and leave the nerves that reside inside the teeth vulnerable, which is why sensitivity is common. However, if the teeth are not exposed to foods and beverages that are irritating, heightened sensitivity shouldn't be much of an issue.

How long does sensitive teeth last after whitening? ›

Sensitive teeth are a common side effect of most whitening treatments. The good news is that these zingers typically only last a few hours after treatment. If they persist for more than a day or two, contact your dentist in Rancho Bernardo to discuss possible causes and solutions.

Does ibuprofen help teeth sensitivity? ›

NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen can help with tooth sensitivity after whitening, so feel free to take these drugs as directed by the label to help with sensitivity.

What is the soothing gel after teeth whitening? ›

LUMI SOOTHE is a revolutionary, fast-acting, desensitising gel that can be used before and after teeth whitening.

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Take Over-The-Counter Painkillers Like Ibuprofen

Over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen, and aspirin are quite effective at managing teeth sensitivity, particularly when paired with the other recommendations on this list.

How long does it take for teeth to Remineralize after whitening? ›

The natural process of remineralizing the teeth can take anywhere from 24-72 hours, depending on overall oral health and the type of whitening treatment used. Patients should take extra care to follow these rules during the first two or three days after a whitening treatment.

How do you Remineralise your teeth? ›

6 Tips on How to Remineralize Teeth
  1. Increase Saliva Production. One of the most effective ways to repair tooth enamel is to maximize the amount of saliva you produce. ...
  2. Drink More Water. ...
  3. Use a Remineralizing Toothpaste. ...
  4. Chew Sugar-Free Gum. ...
  5. Eat a Remineralization Diet. ...
  6. Dodge Acidic Drinks.

How do I know if my enamel is gone? ›

As the enamel continues to erode, your teeth might turn a gray or yellowish color. If your teeth change shape, it's a good indicator that you have enamel damage. Your teeth may begin to appear rounded, develop ridges, and often the gaps between teeth will become more substantial.

Can you leave Sensodyne on teeth overnight? ›

Coating the sore tooth near the gum line with a thin film of desensitizing toothpaste (such as Sensodyne) before bed and leaving it on can act desensitize teeth during the night. Just be sure not to drink water after applying.

Can salt water help sensitive teeth? ›

5. Rinse with Salt Water. You can rinse your toothbrush with saltwater before brushing to help combat tooth sensitivity. The high concentration of salt will act as an antiseptic that kills the bacteria that may be causing tooth sensitivity!

How do you treat burned gums from teeth whitening? ›

Aloe Vera has soothing properties that can help relieve gum irritation and promote healing. Apply a small amount of pure aloe vera gel directly to the burned area of your gums. You can do this several times a day as needed. To prevent further irritation to your burned gums, avoid hot or spicy foods and beverages.


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