Solar Plexus Chakra Healing: How to Open & Balance The Manipura Chakra (2024)

What is the solar plexus chakra (Manipura chakra)?

What is the third chakra of our chakra system? Manipura chakra is the name for this chakra in Sanskrit, “the city of jewels, or lustrous gem, when translated, and is often referred to as the naval chakra. This chakra is an energy center that radiates with the masculine energy ofthe sun and its symbol is of a yellow triangle facing downwards with a flower that has ten petals on it. This chakra is responsible for attracting prana, which is our life-force energy.

Because of its symbol, this chakra is sometimes referred to as the yellow chakra, or the spleen chakra because of where it is found. Having the element of fire, rules over all aspects of our personality, including our egos, and is where our personal power is rooted from.

solar plexus chakra meaning defined

The solar plexus chakra meaning is quite intricate when you look at the meaning of each word individually. Occasionally, the 3rd chakra is referred to as the Celiac chakra.Whentranslated from Greek, Celiac means “belly”, which is why it is called the navel chakra or the stomach chakra. Then you get the second half of its name,plexus, which means ‘”braid” when translated from Latin. This name is fitting for the network of gridwork that connects to your brain that seems to spread out to look like the rays of the sun, giving light to thesolarpart of its name.

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing: How to Open & Balance The Manipura Chakra (1)Solar plexus chakra location

Where is the solar plexus chakra, you might ask? Well, being the Manipura, or solar chakra, is located in the belly, right above your belly button, and it sits in front of your aorta which is your body’s biggest artery. The solar plexus chakra location is also near the area where you breathe, right below your diaphragm.

What is the solar plexus chakra responsible for?

The solar plexus chakra is the power chakra and it has quite an impact on our daily lives in terms of how we deal with and perceive ourselves and others. Our freedom of choice, our self-confidence, our motivation, sense of purpose, and your personal empowerment or how much you believe in yourself and your abilities. Our physical bodies also undergo a series of, this chakra is responsible for our gut health. It rules the flow of our digestive system and all the major organs that surround it.

Blocked solar plexus chakra symptoms

There are several physical and emotional symptoms you might experience if your chakras are not balanced appropriately. If you are finding difficulties with the following aspects, you might have a solar plexus blockage to clear out for the benefit of your well-being. The first six symptoms are the emotional difficulties you face with a block. You can also learn how to unblock chakras.

Low Self-Esteem

If your solar plexus chakra is blocked, your confidence levels will take a tumble. Your self-esteem will not be where it should be and this will inhibit the way you take action.

Overly Dominant

On the one hand, having a blocked solar plexus chakra can bring your confidence and self-esteem levels right down, but on the other side of the spectrum, an overactive solar plexus can also make you overly dominant with others, taking over conversations and bossing them around.


Anxiety can be a leading symptom of a blocked Manipuri chakra. This is because your self-efficacy is at a low which causes perpetual stress, which in turn, keeps your fright-or-flight mode on hyperdrive – bringing on anxiety.

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing: How to Open & Balance The Manipura Chakra (2)Feeling Without Purpose

This chakra is responsible for your personal power and if it is unbalanced you will be left feeling powerless. Because this chakra fuels your physical body and your subtle body with life-force energy, if it is blocked, you will no longer have a source for the energy that will leave you feeling deflated.

Excessive Guilt

When your 3rd chakra is blocked, you might struggle to meet up to your responsibilities, which is all stems from the lack of self-esteem and self-efficacy. This can lead to an overwhelming sense of guilt which your solar plexus is not able to process.

Control Issues

An undying need for being in control is another symptom of your 3rd chakra being blocked, or overactive. This is a repercussion of feeling without any purpose.

How to open solar plexus chakra

As per our previous article, just like when you do sacral chakra healing or any other chakra for that matter, you can also heal your solar plexus.

Using Crystals

Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Jasper, and Yellow Quartz are amongst the crystals that you can use to open your chakra up so that you can heal it by releasing any negative stagnant energies.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are used in aromatherapy treatments for opening your chakra. Some examples of the best oils to use are;

  • chamomile
  • bergamot
  • saffron
  • lemon
  • sage
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon


The following four affirmations, taken,are brilliant when it comes to balancing your solar plexus chakra. A lot of them have to do with rebuilding or asserting your inner confidence.

  • “I amthe embodimentof inner peace and confidence”
  • “I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly”
  • “I stand in my power”
  • “I makemy own decisions with confidence and conviction”


Reiki is an unbelievable method for healing your chakras. Give your local reiki healer a call there is bound to be one that is close enough. One great thing about this form of healing is that you are also able to practice it on yourself – with a bit of training and guidance from your reiki healer.

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing: How to Open & Balance The Manipura Chakra (3)How to balance solar plexus chakra

Brief intro here. Use the phrases “solar plexus chakra imbalance”, “solar plexus chakrameditation” somewhere in this section (including under the H3s below) once.

Yoga poses

The following are some of the specific yoga poses that are helpful with 3rd chakra healing. Remember that an intention can be what really brings your

  • Paschimottanasana – Classical Forward Bend
  • Dhanurasana – Bow Pose
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana – Half Spinal Twist

Visualize Yellow

the solar plexus color is yellow, like the sun. A great way to tune your 3rd chakra towards harmony and balance out the energies is by closing your eyes and visualizing or imagining the color yellow radiating inside your mind’s eye. Let the color engulf you.

Crystal Power


. Citrine, yellow sapphire, honey calcite, and amber are among the crystals that are good for balancing your 3rd chakra. These can be incorporated into a reiki session, or your daily meditations, as well as worn as protective and healing jewelry.

Other Exercises

The solar plexus is a chakra of fire, this means it thrives off heat. Get yourself into gear and rev up your exercise routine into a heat-generating fitness workout. Remember to focus the attention of the heat you create on burning away blockages from your solar plexus.


Meditations are one of the most versatile and helpful methods for healing your body, mind, and spirit. You can use its method for healing all of your chakras but remember to focus the energy on the specific chakras location. For the solar plexus chakra healing meditation, sit in a quiet room, breathe in deeply, and imagine a white light surrounding you. You can visualize a connection from the sun straight to your solar plexus. Imagine the sun’s fire energy burning away any old, negative energy and replacing you with new energy. Make sure to set an intention for a balanced and healthy lifestyle before you finish.

Solar Plexus Chakra Healing: How to Open & Balance The Manipura Chakra (4)Other solar plexus chakrahealing methods

How to heal solar plexus chakra using some other, slightly less conventional methods. Sometimes these methods are not as easy to achieve as the methods from above, but some find them most helpful in bringing balance and harmony to their 3rd chakra.

Sound Healing

Certain frequencies, like the Solfeggio frequencies, are beneficial when it comes to healing your chakras. When it comes to solar plexus chakrahealing, the fire chakra benefits from the frequency of 528 Hz, others also swear by the frequency 364 Hz.

Change in Diet

One of the best ways to achieve 3rd chakra healing is by changing your diet. You are what you eat, so let’s take that into account – especially with your chakras. We recommend limiting your sugar and saturated fats, but not the good fats! All foods that support your gut health should be on the top of your shopping list. A change in diet will also help you with heart chakra healing.

Our conclusion/Final points/Key takeaways

There are many reasons why you should be concerned with each of your chakras- a happy chakra network means happier you. For your solar plexus chakra, healing is mightily important for you to function better with the external world. You will accomplish your goals more easily and judge yourself less. If you are unsure if your solar plexus is blocked or not, you can try our chakra test to gain more insight.


Snippet opportunities: Beneath each question add a paragraph of 45-50 words that answers the question. You can of course elaborate more in further paragraphs, but give a short punchy answer first.

How do you massage your solar plexus?

You can massage your solar plexus by using your index finger and middle finger. place them in the middle of your rib cage, at the top of your stomach. Move your fingers lightly in a clockwise circular motion to release any built-up tension.

What frequency is the solar plexus chakra?

This chakra vibrates at a frequency of 528 Hz.

What happens when the solar plexus opens?

Each of the 7 Chakras will have a different effect once opened. When you are opening a chakra up so that it can be cleansed of old energy, you might experience intense symptoms of the energy that is being released. This means you might feel a flash of sadness or anger or even anxiety. Understand that this is temporary and the good feelings will flow in with the fresh energy.


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Solar Plexus Chakra Healing: How to Open & Balance The Manipura Chakra (2024)


Solar Plexus Chakra Healing: How to Open & Balance The Manipura Chakra? ›

Seeing or touching yellow things re-energizes the solar plexus chakra. It's represented by the color yellow and you'll feel it opening as soon as you interact with some yellow or gold items. Fill your home with yellow decor and art, wear yellow clothes and accessories, or just bask in some bright sunlight.

How do I unblock my solar plexus chakra? ›

Seeing or touching yellow things re-energizes the solar plexus chakra. It's represented by the color yellow and you'll feel it opening as soon as you interact with some yellow or gold items. Fill your home with yellow decor and art, wear yellow clothes and accessories, or just bask in some bright sunlight.

How do I balance my solar plexus chakra? ›

8 Ways To Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra
  1. Twisting Type Yoga Poses. Remember the location of the solar plexus is in the navel region. ...
  2. Candle Gazing. ...
  3. Connect With The Sun. ...
  4. Chant "Ram" ...
  5. Do Some Cardio. ...
  6. Wear Yellow. ...
  7. Eat Nourishing Foods. ...
  8. Say "I choose to" instead of "I have to"
May 31, 2023

How do I activate my manipura chakra? ›

Engage in exercises that focus on strengthening your core, such as yoga poses like Boat Pose (Navasana) or Pilates exercises like the Plank. These activities not only activate the abdominal muscles but also stimulate the Manipura chakra, helping you feel more confident and centered.

How do you ignite the solar plexus chakra? ›

You can ignite a fire in your solar plexus chakra through Kaphalabhati or skull-shining breath—a pranayama technique that helps to release toxins and reenergize the mind and body.

What causes solar plexus to be blocked? ›

Trauma and abuse are key contributors to a blocked third chakra. Trauma can come from over-authoritative parents that do not allow their child to express their feelings, ideas, or thoughts. In other cases, a spouse or significant other who gaslights or emotionally abuses their partner can damage the solar plexus.

What damages the solar plexus chakra? ›

Any experience which causes shame can affect the solar plexus chakra – we may have been shamed when we were younger, we may have experienced abuse or were fearful of being punished. Being in any volatile situation can affect this chakra.

What happens when solar plexus chakra opens? ›

Through enhanced self-confidence and empowerment, an amplified sense of personal power and assertiveness, heightened self-worth and self-esteem, inner harmony and balance, and the emergence of responsible leadership, the opening of the solar plexus chakra leads you towards a life of authenticity, purpose, and limitless ...

How do I know if my solar plexus chakra is balanced? ›

Signs of a balanced solar plexus chakra
  1. You "trust your gut" and know how to make the right decision for you.
  2. You feel confident in your choices and actions.
  3. You feel empowered and excited about what you're doing.
  4. You have a strong sense of self-worth.
  5. You're not intimidated by challenges.
  6. Your purpose is clear to you.
Oct 13, 2023

What blocks the manipura chakra? ›

The manipura chakra is often blocked by negative emotions and lack of self-confidence, which can lead to digestive disorders and low self-esteem.

Which God is for manipura chakra? ›

Manipura Chakra

Manipura, or the solar plexus/navel chakra, is symbolized by a downward pointing triangle with ten petals, along with the color yellow. The seed syllable is "ram", and the presiding deity is Braddha Rudra, with Lakini as Shakti, or the power behind this chakra.

How do you breathe for manipura chakra? ›

Take a full, deep inhale and on your exhale start to twist to your left from your rib cage up. Gently look in the direction of the twist. Hold this pose for 3-5 breaths. Focusing your attention on your belly and the sensation of wringing out and cleansing this area.

How do you balance Manipura? ›

Don't drink ice cold water and never overeat if you want to keep your manipura chakra in balance. Sitting in the vajrasana (on your heels) after meals helps balance the solar plexus and your digestion. The stone for this third chakra is the citrine. Sheziam suggest keeping it on the navel and meditating.

What frequency opens the solar plexus chakra? ›

Solar Plexus Chakra (frequency: 528 Hz)

This chakra, represented by the color yellow, is related to our power, will, and determination. It is also the chakra of our ego. The solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz stimulates the solar plexus chakra.

What organs does the solar plexus chakra control? ›

Your solar plexus, or celiac plexus, is a compilation of nerves and ganglia that is located in your abdomen near the diaphragm and behind your aorta. This nerve center is responsible for the functioning of your abdominal organs like the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder as well as mediating your body's stress response.

How do you keep your solar plexus healthy? ›

Tips for Keeping Your Solar Plexus Healthy
  1. Utilize Breathing Exercises.
  2. Experiment With Yoga Poses.
  3. Focus on Nutrition.
  4. Use Meditation and Affirmations.
Dec 28, 2023

How do you relieve pressure in the solar plexus? ›

Managing and Treating Solar Plexus Pain

For example, if solar plexus pain is caused by blunt force trauma, such as getting the wind knocked out of you during an athletic event, self-care techniques such as icing the affected area, anti-inflammatory medication, and rest can provide relief and promote healing.

What organs are associated with the solar plexus chakra? ›

The solar plexus controls the body's organs through the automatic nervous system response, which is an involuntary response for humans. The large significant organs include the stomach, kidneys, liver, and small intestines.


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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.