Nyx – the Greek goddess of the Night and the only deity Zeus feared - World History Edu (2024)

Nyx – the Greek goddess of the Night and the only deity Zeus feared - World History Edu (1)

Nyx goddess in Greek mythology

Known in Greek mythology as the personification of the night, Greek goddess Nyx was such an extremely powerful and dangerous deity that even Zeus, king of the Olympian gods, feared and stood in awe of her. Born in the depths of Chaos, a primordial entity, Nyx is portrayed as a shadowy figure that operates quite differently from other Greek gods. It was believed that she emerged at the birth of the universe.

Nyx’s parent

In describing the origins of Nyx, ancient Greek poet Hesiod stated in the Theogony that the goddess is the child of Chaos, a mythological void that existed before the birth of the universe. Chaos has also been referred to as the gap that exists between the earth (Gaia) and heaven (Uranus). In the Theogony, Hesiod describes Chaos as a primordial void Chaos is located just beneath Earth but above Tartarus (the deep abyss). Chaos, according to Hesiod, was the first entity to exist. Chaos was then followed by Gaia, Tartarus, and Eros.


From Chaos, out came primordial entities like Erebus (Darkness). This means that Erebus is the sibling of Nyx. In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Erebus (Erebos) was believed to be the personification of darkness and shadows. He’s believed to havea huge presence in the underworld and in the deepest part of the earth.

According to Latin poet Gaius Julius Hyginus, Chaos also fathered personified primordial deities like Aether (Bright upper sky) and Hemera (Day).


In the myths, the union between Nyx and Erebus came forth Aether (Brightness) and Hemera (Day). Nyx also brings forth personified deities like the Keres (bringers of voilent death), Moros (Doom), Apate (Deceit), Nemesis (Retribution), Thanatos (Death), Hypnos (Sleep), Oizys (Pain), Eris (Strife and discord), Momus (Satire/Mockery), the Moirai (Fates), Philotes (Friendship), Geras (Old Age), the Hesperides (the Daughters of the Evening), and the Oneiroi (Bringers of dreams).

As can be seen in the parenthesis above, Nyx gave birth to many children who then went on to play very influential roles in the Greek pantheon.

According to Gaius, the goddess Nyx instead fathered those children with Chaos. Those children include Fate, Old age, Death, Strife, Sleep, Dreams, Discord, Misery, Petulance, Nemesis, Friendship, Pity, Styx, and the Hesperides.

Family Tree

Nyx – the Greek goddess of the Night and the only deity Zeus feared - World History Edu (2)

Nyx and her sibling were the offspring of Chaos, the first of all primordial deities to appear in the cosmos. Image: Nyx family tree

Depiction and characteristics

It was quite common for there to be variations in the depictions of many ancient Greek primordial deities. This is primarily because they represented abstract constructs. The goddess Nyx was no exception. She could be seen as the literal night that surrounds us. Alternatively, she could be seen as a beautiful woman in elegant black dress surrounded by a pitch dark mist. In some cases, she was depicted riding a chariot, a common phenomenon for many Greek deities.

She has also been depicted as a winged goddess with a dark halo cloud around her head.

Being a representation of the night, the Greeks did not have a set of definitive characteristics attributed to Nyx, other than that she was an extremely powerful deity.

Nyx and Tartarus

Due to her father’s association with Tartarus, some ancient Greek authors opined that Nyx and her brother Erebusin Tarturus. In the Theogony, Hesiod asserts that Nyx moves in to Tartarus just as her daughter Hemera (Day) leaves the place. This cycle of Nyx and Hemera was perhaps ancient Greece’s first explanation of the cycle of night and day respectively.

Nyx and Zeus

Nyx – the Greek goddess of the Night and the only deity Zeus feared - World History Edu (3)

Homer describes Nyx as the only deity in the world that could stand against Zeus. Image: Zeus, chief of the Olympian gods

There is hardly any entity in the Greek pantheon capable of sending shivers down the spine of Zeus, the chief of the Olympians. Zeus was an extremely powerful whose thunderbolts could knock down the fiercest of gods or creatures. This was evident when he used them to take down Typhon, the strongest monster in Greek mythology. However, all that power of Zeus could not rival the power possessed by Nyx.

One time an angry Zeus was about to strike down Hypnos (Sleep), however upon seeing Nyx, Hypnos’s mother, Zeus stopped. Hypnos had conspired with Zeus’ jealous wife Hera to make Zeus fall into a deep sleep. With Zeus out of the way, Hera could proceed to put stumbling blocks in the way of Zeus’ son the demigod Heracles. Upon discovering Hypnos’ treachery, Zeus gave the god of sleep a hot pursuit all the way down to Tartarus. Hypnos had fled to the bosom of his mother, seeking her protection from Zeus’ wrath. Not wanting to anger Nyx, Zeus halted his pursuit and apologized to the goddess of the night.

The above explains why Homer’s Iliad describes Nyx as a primordial deity with an unbridled maternal fury.

Why was Nyx such a feared deity?

She is often seen as a deity that grants protection and safe passage to fugitives. In other words, she was known for facilitating people’s darkest actions. For example, in one of the myth, the Titan Cronos castrated his father Uranus under the cover of the Nyx (Night).

Therefore, what makes Nyx such a frightening deity has to do with the events and horrors that she could conceal. Often times, people are afraid of the things that lurk in the dark.

Significance of Hermes in Greek mythology

Other myths

According to some accounts, Nyx rather than Chaos was the first primordial entity to appear.

Latin poet of the Augustan period Virgil described the goddess Nyx as the mother of the Erinyes (Roman Dirae). She bore them with Hades (Roman Pluto), Greek god of the Underworld. The Erinyes, according to Homer, are a group of female entities who punish men that take false oath. As a result, the Erinyes were sometimes known as the Furies.

In some version of the myth, Hecate, the Greek goddess of crossroads and witchcraft, is described as the daughter of Night.

Unlike her many of her children whose duties and roles were incorporated into the roles of Olympian gods, Nyx was somehow never replaced. For example the gods Apollo and Helios in some way replaced her children Hemera and Aether.

Read More:

  • Greatest Greek Gods and Goddesses
  • How the seasons were born in Greek Mythology

Did you know?

  • 2nd century Greek geographer and traveler Pausanias opined that the Greeks had an oracle of Nyx located at Megara, West Attica.
  • She was not seen as a major deity in the Greek pantheon. This is evident in the fact that the Greeks did not build any temple in honor of her. However, there were a few statues built in her honor.
  • Nyx corresponds to the goddess Nox in Roman mythology.
  • Nix was the name given to one of Pluto’s moons – S/2005 P 2. The naming was done in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), an organization headquartered in Paris, France.
  • There is an asteroid – an Amor and Mars-crosser asteroid – called 3908 Nyx. This 1-2-km diameter asteroid was discovered by German astronomer Hans-Emil Schuster in 1980.
Nyx – the Greek goddess of the Night and the only deity Zeus feared - World History Edu (2024)


Nyx – the Greek goddess of the Night and the only deity Zeus feared - World History Edu? ›

In Greek mythology, the goddess Nyx was one of the oldest deities in the universe, born in the first moments of creation from the yawning abyss of Chaos. Nyx was the personification of night and was so ancient and powerful that even mighty Zeus was afraid to cross her.

Why is Nyx feared by Zeus? ›

Why is Nyx is feared by Zeus? Nyx is feared by Zeus because her powers are greater and older than his. Nyx is said to have been one of the oldest of the goddesses.

Was Nyx good or evil? ›

She is also the mother of many children, including the god of peaceful death, Thanatos, and the god of sleep, Hypnos. The Greek poet Hesiod describes Nyx in his Theogony as a “deadly night” and as an “evil Nyx,” cementing his opinion of her early on.

What is the goddess Nyx's weakness? ›

Zeus himself feared Nyx enough to retract all threats against her son Hypnos. However, being made of darkness, Nyx is somewhat vulnerable to those with powers over light, such as Will Solace, who was able to burn her with photokinesis. Nyx's own children, working together, can temporarily restrain her.

Could Nyx beat Zeus? ›

People seem to take this as evidence that Nyx would destroy Zeus if he angered her, but the truth is, we don't know Nyx would be capable of. We're not told. And since there aren't any myths in which Nyx does get angry, we have to guess.

Why is Nyx so powerful and feared? ›

In Greek mythology, the goddess Nyx was one of the oldest deities in the universe, born in the first moments of creation from the yawning abyss of Chaos. Nyx was the personification of night and was so ancient and powerful that even mighty Zeus was afraid to cross her.

Is Zeus really afraid of Nyx? ›

Even Zeus, with all his might and Thunder, found himself recoiling in awe and trepidation. It was said that Nix. was one of the few beings whom Zeus feared, for she wielded powers older than the Olympians, powers that even the king of gods.

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They mostly tolerate and begrudgingly respect each other, even if they fight at times- Zagreus comments upon this aspect of their relationship, and Nyx admits that she and Hades sometimes convince themselves they are husband and wife, because of how they are obligated to cooperate.

Who did Nyx hate? ›

Nyx eventually grew to hate everyone both Gods and Man. Nyx plotted against Erebus with the help of her children—Thanatos, Keres and Apate—she was able to escape Erebus and eventually kill him. She became an instigator in many of the instances where Gods reigned down their wrath on humans.

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Nyx is the Primordial Goddess of the Night and the creator of night creatures like Vampires and Werewolves. She's also one of the entities that blessed Victor.

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In the most common timeline of Greek mythology, Nyx was partnered with Erebus (darkness), and would produce to children also named as Protogenoi, Aether and Hemera. Conversely, Aether and Hemera as Light and Day, were the opposite of their parents, Night and Darkness.

Who is Nyx's favorite child? ›

Nyx's favorite children is unclear, because she thinks her children should be equal in love to avoid fighting. In the Orphic tradition, Ouranos, the Greek god of the Sky was named a child of Nyx, although more commonly Ouranos was considered to be a child of Gaia (Earth).

Was Nyx an evil goddess? ›

Nyx would be more of a neutral goddess. In the mythology, she is usually only mentioned in reference to the onset of night, which is her domain. She doesn't punish mortals or make a mockery of them etc. The other times she is reference is usually as the head of a large family.

Is Nyx in Percy Jackson? ›

The Heroes of Olympus

In Tartatus, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase encountered Nyx, the primordial goddess of night, where she was riding the chariot.

Who is Zeus scared of? ›

Nyx, in Greek mythology, female personification of night but also a great cosmogonical figure, feared even by Zeus, the king of the gods, as related in Homer's Iliad, Book XIV.

Can Helios beat Nyx? ›

She is strong enough to fight Helios, who can destroy the World, but Helios is implied to always force her to retreat. Umbrakinesis: As the goddess of night, she has divine authority and absolute control over shadows and darkness so like her brother, Erebus.

What is Nyx relationship with Zeus? ›

Phanes gives birth to Nyx, and Phanes and Nyx then go on to conceive Uranus (Heaven). Nyx serves as an advisor to Uranus' son Cronus and then Cronus' son, Zeus, after he becomes ruler of the Olympian gods. In another version of the Orphic creation story, Nyx lays an egg from which hatches Phanes and other deities.

Who is Nyx feared by? ›

Nyx, in Greek mythology, female personification of night but also a great cosmogonical figure, feared even by Zeus, the king of the gods, as related in Homer's Iliad, Book XIV.

Is Nyx the most feared god? ›

In today's video, we're going to discuss Nyx, a primordial deity and the personification of night, one of the most powerful goddesses, if not the most powerful goddess, in all of Greek mythology.


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